Winter 2025 Class Listing
General Education Classes

Remember: Your General Education requirements may depend on your degree plans and the university where you plan to transfer. To learn more about whether a course satisfies a particular requirement, visit the G.E. Requirements webpage.

Course Prefix

Results Filters

CRN Course Section Title Days Times Instructor Loc Class Info
38844 ADMJ 1 01Z Introduction to Administration of JusticeView Footnote ··W···· 06:00 PM-07:50 PM James Suits ONLINE OL
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
00054 ADMJ 3 01Z Concepts of Criminal LawView Footnote M······ 06:00 PM-07:50 PM Griffin Bonini ONLINE OL
CLAS ······· TBA-TBA
38619 ADMJ 6 50Z Crime, Correction and SocietyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ramona Gabriel ONLINE OL
39020 AFAM 10 01Y An Introduction to African American StudiesView Footnote ·T····· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Julie Keiffer-Lewis MCC-10 HY
38105 AFAM 10 60Z An Introduction to African American StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Julie Keiffer-Lewis ONLINE OL
37532 AFAM 11 60Z Sankofa: Roots of the African American ExperienceView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Julie Keiffer-Lewis ONLINE OL
37529 AFAM 12B 60Z African American History Since 1865View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Julie Keiffer-Lewis ONLINE OL
38886 ANTH 1 01Y Physical AnthropologyView Footnote ··W···· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Ameeta Tiwana MLC102 HY
38887 ANTH 1 02Y Physical AnthropologyView Footnote M······ 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Emily Beggs MLC102 HY
38892 ANTH 1 03Y Physical AnthropologyView Footnote ·T····· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Emily Beggs MLC102 HY
38888 ANTH 1 04Y Physical AnthropologyView Footnote M······ 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Elisabeth-Anne Mabie MLC102 $0HY
34271 ANTH 1 50Z Physical AnthropologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ameeta Tiwana ONLINE OL
38157 ANTH 1 55Z Physical AnthropologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Amanda Feldman ONLINE OL
32950 ANTH 1 63Z Physical AnthropologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Julie Hui ONLINE OL
34766 ANTH 1 65Z Physical AnthropologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Leslie Berry ONLINE OL
31009 ANTH 1L 01 Physical Anthropology LaboratoryView Footnote ···R··· 01:30 PM-04:20 PM Alicia Hedges MLC101
31580 ANTH 1L 51Z Physical Anthropology LaboratoryView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ameeta Tiwana ONLINE OL
38941 ANTH 1L 52Z Physical Anthropology LaboratoryView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ameeta Tiwana ONLINE OL
33778 ANTH 1L 53Z Physical Anthropology LaboratoryView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ameeta Tiwana ONLINE OL
37326 ANTH 1L 54Z Physical Anthropology LaboratoryView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ameeta Tiwana ONLINE OL
38884 ANTH 2 01Y Cultural AnthropologyView Footnote ···R··· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Angel Roque L24 HY
38885 ANTH 2 02Y Cultural AnthropologyView Footnote ·T····· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Daniel Solomon L24 HY
00084 ANTH 2 50Z Cultural AnthropologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ashidhara Das ONLINE $0OL
00089 ANTH 2 51Z Cultural AnthropologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Angel Roque ONLINE OL
39161 ANTH 2 52Z Cultural AnthropologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Mayra Cerda Aguilar ONLINE OL
38891 ANTH 3 01Y Introduction to ArchaeologyView Footnote ···R··· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Alicia Hedges MLC102 HY
37167 ANTH 4 50Z World PrehistoryView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Nancy Olsen ONLINE OL
36471 ANTH 5 50Z Magic, Science and ReligionView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Daniel Solomon ONLINE OL
38607 ANTH 7 50Z Introduction to Forensic AnthropologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Elisabeth-Anne Mabie ONLINE OL
39101 ANTH 8 50Z Medical Anthropology: Methods and PracticeView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Mayra Cerda Aguilar ONLINE OL
38868 ARTS 1A 01 Introduction to the Visual ArtsView Footnote M·W···· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM Paul Roehl VPA132
37545 ARTS 1A 01Y Introduction to the Visual ArtsView Footnote ··W···· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Deborah Pasturel AT120 HY
38869 ARTS 1A 02 Introduction to the Visual ArtsView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Paul Roehl FOR3
35169 ARTS 1A 02Y Introduction to the Visual ArtsView Footnote ·T····· 02:30 PM-04:20 PM Deborah Pasturel AT120 HY
38718 ARTS 1A 03Z Introduction to the Visual ArtsView Footnote ·T·R··· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Yuri Chang ONLINE OL
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
36401 ARTS 1A 62Z Introduction to the Visual ArtsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Linda Becerril ONLINE OL
35170 ARTS 1A 63Z Introduction to the Visual ArtsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Yael Karmi ONLINE OL
39318 ARTS 1A 64Z Introduction to the Visual ArtsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Lei Chi ONLINE OL
36384 ARTS 1B 50Z Architecture Past and PresentView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Deborah Pasturel ONLINE OL
00112 ARTS 2A 01Y History of Art: Europe from Prehistory through Early ChristianityView Footnote ·T····· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Linda Becerril AT120 HY
34819 ARTS 2B 50Z History of Art: Europe During the Middle Ages and the RenaissanceView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Paul Roehl ONLINE OL
00114 ARTS 2C 50Z History of Art: Europe from the Baroque Period Through ImpressionismView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Natasha Kleit ONLINE OL
36385 ARTS 2D 01Z History of Art: Europe and the United States from Post-Impressionism to the PresentView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Yuri Chang ONLINE OL
39022 ARTS 2F 01Y History of Art (Multicultural Arts in the United States)View Footnote ·T····· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Catie Cadge-Moore VPA132 HY
38323 ARTS 2F 60Z History of Art (Multicultural Arts in the United States)View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Catie Cadge-Moore ONLINE OL
38870 ARTS 2G 40 History of Art: Arts of AsiaView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM So Kam Lee MCC-10
36813 ASAM 10 61Z Contemporary Asian American CommunitiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Mae Lee ONLINE OL
38064 ASAM 11 01Y Asian Americans and RacismView Footnote ···R··· 12:30 PM-02:00 PM Mae Lee MLC110 HY
39186 ASAM 11 40 Asian Americans and RacismView Footnote M·W···· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM LING, BIANCA L23
38764 ASAM 11 60Z Asian Americans and RacismView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Nina Moskowitz ONLINE OL
38906 ASAM 11 61Z Asian Americans and RacismView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Nori Henk ONLINE OL
39309 ASAM 11 62Z Asian Americans and RacismView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Nina Moskowitz ONLINE OL
38417 ASAM 13 60Z Asian Americans and AsiaView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Mae Lee ONLINE OL
38871 ASAM 40 40 History of Art: Arts of AsiaView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM So Kam Lee MCC-10
39189 ASAM 42B 60Z History of Asian Civilization: China and Japan (19th - 21st Centuries)View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA PARK, NANCY ELIZABETH ONLINE OL
37918 ASTR 4 02 Solar System AstronomyView Footnote ·T····· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Caitlin Marie Kepple ADM119 $0
CLAS ···R··· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM PLT
39124 ASTR 4 06 Solar System AstronomyView Footnote M······ 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Caitlin Marie Kepple FOR3 $0
CLAS ··W···· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM PLT
37919 ASTR 4 22 Solar System AstronomyView Footnote M······ 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Marek Cichanski ADM119
CLAS ··W···· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM PLT
00190 ASTR 4 28Z Solar System AstronomyView Footnote ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-02:20 PM Marek Cichanski ONLINE OL
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
30185 ASTR 4 36Z Solar System AstronomyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Caitlin Marie Kepple ONLINE $0OL
00188 ASTR 4 52Z Solar System AstronomyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Marek Cichanski ONLINE OL
00189 ASTR 4 54Z Solar System AstronomyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Rachel Mastrapa ONLINE $0OL
36595 ASTR 4 62Z Solar System AstronomyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Eric Peterson ONLINE $0OL
00193 ASTR 10 50Z Stellar AstronomyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Eric Peterson ONLINE $0OL
39125 ASTR 15L 20 Astronomy LaboratoryView Footnote M······ 04:00 PM-05:20 PM Caitlin Marie Kepple S15
LAB ·T····· 04:00 PM-05:20 PM PLT
00218 BIOL 6A 01Y Form and Function in the Biological WorldView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Bruce Heyer ONLINE HY
LAB M·W···· 10:30 AM-01:20 PM SC2108
36233 BIOL 6A 02Y Form and Function in the Biological WorldView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Bruce Heyer ONLINE HY
LAB M·W···· 01:30 PM-04:20 PM SC2108
38863 BIOL 6B 01Y Cell and Molecular BiologyView Footnote M·W···· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Lianna Wong ONLINE HY
LAB ·T·R··· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM SC2116
38864 BIOL 6B 02Y Cell and Molecular BiologyView Footnote M·W···· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Lianna Wong ONLINE HY
LAB ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-04:20 PM SC2116
00224 BIOL 6B 03Y Cell and Molecular BiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Simon Kang'a ONLINE HY
LAB M·W···· 10:30 AM-01:20 PM SC2116
00225 BIOL 6B 05Y Cell and Molecular BiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Simon Kang'a ONLINE HY
LAB M·W···· 01:30 PM-04:20 PM SC2116
39228 BIOL 6B 07Y Cell and Molecular Biology ······· TBA-TBA MOUSEGHY, HAMED ONLINE HY
LAB ·T·R··· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM SC2118
39229 BIOL 6B 08Y Cell and Molecular Biology ······· TBA-TBA MOUSEGHY, HAMED ONLINE HY
LAB ·T·R··· 12:30 PM-03:20 PM SC2118
39230 BIOL 6B 09Y Cell and Molecular Biology ······· TBA-TBA MOUSEGHY, HAMED ONLINE HY
LAB ·T·R··· 03:30 PM-06:20 PM SC2118
00229 BIOL 10 01Y Introductory BiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Judy Cuff-Alvarado ONLINE HY
LAB ·T····· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM S52
00231 BIOL 10 02Y Introductory BiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Judy Cuff-Alvarado ONLINE HY
LAB ···R··· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM S52
30930 BIOL 10 03Y Introductory BiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Jason Bram ONLINE HY
LAB ·T····· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM S51
30931 BIOL 10 04Y Introductory BiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Jason Bram ONLINE HY
LAB ···R··· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM S51
34582 BIOL 10 05Y Introductory BiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Jason Bram ONLINE HY
LAB ·T····· 01:30 PM-04:20 PM S51
36223 BIOL 10 06Y Introductory BiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Jason Bram ONLINE HY
LAB ···R··· 01:30 PM-04:20 PM S51
39268 BIOL 10 09Y Introductory Biology ······· TBA-TBA WESTFALL, JESSICA ONLINE HY
LAB M······ 12:30 PM-03:20 PM S52
39269 BIOL 10 10Y Introductory Biology ······· TBA-TBA WESTFALL, JESSICA ONLINE HY
LAB ··W···· 12:30 PM-03:20 PM S52
37328 BIOL 10 56Y Introductory BiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Judy Cuff-Alvarado ONLINE HY
LAB ·T····· 01:30 PM-04:20 PM S52
37329 BIOL 10 57Y Introductory BiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Judy Cuff-Alvarado ONLINE HY
LAB ···R··· 01:30 PM-04:20 PM S52
37032 BIOL 11 01Y Human BiologyView Footnote ·····S· 09:30 AM-01:20 PM Ebenezer Morikang ONLINE HY
LAB ·····S· 03:30 PM-06:20 PM SC2106
39083 BIOL 11 02Y Human Biology ······· TBA-TBA Simon Kang'a ONLINE HY
LAB M······ 04:30 PM-07:20 PM SC2116
37474 BIOL 11 07Y Human BiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Simon Kang'a ONLINE HY
LAB ··W···· 04:30 PM-07:20 PM SC2116
37790 BIOL 26 03Y Introductory MicrobiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ann Daniel ONLINE HY
LAB M·W···· 05:30 PM-08:20 PM SC2118
39231 BIOL 26 04Y Introductory MicrobiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Elsa Jimenez-Samayoa ONLINE HY
LAB M·W···· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM SC2118
39232 BIOL 26 05Y Introductory Microbiology ······· TBA-TBA Elsa Jimenez-Samayoa ONLINE HY
LAB M·W···· 12:30 PM-03:20 PM SC2118
39227 BIOL 40C 02Y Human Anatomy and Physiology ······· TBA-TBA Lakshmikanta Sengupta ONLINE HY
LAB ···R··· 03:30 PM-06:20 PM SC2106
38727 BIOL 40C 03Y Human Anatomy and PhysiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Susmita Sengupta ONLINE HY
LAB ·T····· 02:30 PM-05:20 PM SC2108
38728 BIOL 40C 04Y Human Anatomy and PhysiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Susmita Sengupta ONLINE HY
LAB ···R··· 02:30 PM-05:20 PM SC2108
38857 BIOL 40C 05Y Human Anatomy and PhysiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Lakshmikanta Sengupta ONLINE HY
LAB ·T····· 03:30 PM-06:20 PM SC2106
00286 BUS 21 63Z Business and SocietyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Byron Lilly ONLINE OL
38683 BUS 54 11Z Business MathematicsView Footnote M·W···· 02:00 PM-03:15 PM Sandra Spencer ONLINE OL
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
38100 BUS 56 64Z Human Relations in the WorkplaceView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Kimberlee Andrews-Bingham ONLINE OL
00306 CD 10G 01Z Child Development (The Early Years)View Footnote ·T····· 11:30 AM-12:20 PM Nellie Vargas ONLINE OL
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
00308 CD 10G 02Z Child Development (The Early Years)View Footnote ·T····· 06:30 PM-08:20 PM Zana Wilkie ONLINE OL
CLAS ······· TBA-TBA
39363 CD 10G 50Z Child Development (The Early Years)View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA RAMOS-USERO, ELLA MARIE ONLINE OLLQ
00307 CD 10G 51Z Child Development (The Early Years)View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA SUN, LI WEI ONLINE OL
39380 CD 10G 52Z Child Development (The Early Years)View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Shelley Gonzales ONLINE OLLQ
38809 CD 12 01F Child, Family and Community InterrelationshipsView Footnote ·T·R··· 04:00 PM-05:50 PM Shelley Gonzales HOMSTD
38004 CD 12 01GF Child, Family and Community InterrelationshipsView Footnote ·T·R··· 04:00 PM-05:50 PM Shelley Gonzales HOMSTD OC
37462 CD 12 02EY Child, Family and Community InterrelationshipsView Footnote ···R··· 12:30 PM-01:20 PM Nellie Vargas L28 HY
00316 CD 12 50Z Child, Family and Community InterrelationshipsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA SUN, LI WEI ONLINE OL
39102 CD 64 01Y Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young ChildView Footnote ···R··· 10:30 AM-11:20 AM Nellie Vargas L28 HY
37373 CETH 8 60Z Women of Color in the USAView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA RAMIREZ, SUSANA ONLINE OL
39168 CETH 10 01Y Introduction to Ethnic StudiesView Footnote M······ 11:30 AM-01:20 PM David Palaita ADM101 HY
38414 CETH 10 60Z Introduction to Ethnic StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Julie Keiffer-Lewis ONLINE OL
38896 CETH 10 61Z Introduction to Ethnic StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Bobby Seals ONLINE OL
38909 CETH 10 62Z Introduction to Ethnic StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA David Palaita ONLINE OL
39149 CETH 10 63Z Introduction to Ethnic StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Angelina Loyola ONLINE OL
39208 CETH 10 64Z Introduction to Ethnic StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA DULLER, IRENE ONLINE OL
39327 CETH 10 65Z Introduction to Ethnic StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Philip Nguyen ONLINE OLLQ
39328 CETH 10 66Z Introduction to Ethnic StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Jessica Hamilton ONLINE OLLQ
39382 CETH 10 67Z Introduction to Ethnic StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Wayne Jopanda ONLINE OLLQ
39021 CETH 13 01Y History of Art (Multicultural Arts in the United States)View Footnote ·T····· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Catie Cadge-Moore VPA132 HY
38322 CETH 13 60Z History of Art (Multicultural Arts in the United States)View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Catie Cadge-Moore ONLINE OL
32189 CHEM 1A 01 General Chemistry IView Footnote M·W···· 12:30 PM-01:45 PM Jimmy Li SC1102
LAB M·W···· 08:30 AM-11:20 AM SC2202
32190 CHEM 1A 02 General Chemistry IView Footnote M·W···· 12:30 PM-01:45 PM Jimmy Li SC1102
LAB M·W···· 02:30 PM-05:20 PM SC2202
32191 CHEM 1A 03 General Chemistry IView Footnote ·T·R··· 10:30 AM-11:45 AM David Gray S35
LAB ·T·R··· 07:30 AM-10:20 AM SC2202
32199 CHEM 1A 25 General Chemistry IView Footnote ·T·R··· 04:30 PM-05:45 PM Nayereh Rezaei MLC103
LAB M·W···· 11:30 AM-02:20 PM SC2202
37908 CHEM 1A 26 General Chemistry IView Footnote ·T·R··· 04:30 PM-05:45 PM Nayereh Rezaei MLC103
LAB ·T·R··· 11:30 AM-02:20 PM SC2202
32192 CHEM 1A 53 General Chemistry IView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Amid Salari S32
LAB ·T·R··· 02:30 PM-05:20 PM SC2202
34846 CHEM 1A 54 General Chemistry IView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Amid Salari S32
LAB ·T·R··· 07:30 PM-10:20 PM SC2202
38872 CHEM 1B 01 General Chemistry IIView Footnote M·W···· 11:30 AM-12:45 PM Cinzia Muzzi FOR1
LAB M·W···· 08:30 AM-11:20 AM SC2204
38873 CHEM 1B 02 General Chemistry IIView Footnote M·W···· 11:30 AM-12:45 PM Cinzia Muzzi FOR1
LAB M·W···· 02:30 PM-05:20 PM SC2204
32689 CHEM 1B 03 General Chemistry IIView Footnote ·T·R··· 10:30 AM-11:45 AM Michael Lane SC1102
LAB ·T·R··· 07:30 AM-10:20 AM SC2204
33751 CHEM 1B 04 General Chemistry IIView Footnote ·T·R··· 10:30 AM-11:45 AM Michael Lane SC1102
LAB ·T·R··· 02:30 PM-05:20 PM SC2204
38390 CHEM 1B 25 General Chemistry IIView Footnote ·T·R··· 04:30 PM-05:45 PM Christopher Deming S32
LAB M·W···· 11:30 AM-02:20 PM SC2204
38391 CHEM 1B 26 General Chemistry IIView Footnote ·T·R··· 04:30 PM-05:45 PM Christopher Deming S32
LAB ·T·R··· 11:30 AM-02:20 PM SC2204
37909 CHEM 1B 66 General Chemistry IIView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Stephanie Stepp S45
LAB ·T·R··· 07:30 PM-10:20 PM SC2204
37910 CHEM 1C 11 General Chemistry IIIView Footnote M·W···· 03:30 PM-04:45 PM Megan Brophy MLC103
LAB M·W···· 08:30 AM-11:20 AM SC2208
32208 CHEM 1C 12 General Chemistry IIIView Footnote M·W···· 03:30 PM-04:45 PM Megan Brophy MLC103
LAB M·W···· 11:30 AM-02:20 PM SC2208
32222 CHEM 10 23 Introductory ChemistryView Footnote ·T·R··· 02:30 PM-04:20 PM KHAN, NIDA SC1102
LAB ·T····· 11:30 AM-02:20 PM Megan Brophy SC2208
37725 CHEM 10 24 Introductory ChemistryView Footnote ·T·R··· 02:30 PM-04:20 PM KHAN, NIDA SC1102
LAB ···R··· 11:30 AM-02:20 PM Megan Brophy SC2208
37922 CHEM 10 43Z Introductory ChemistryView Footnote ·T·R··· 05:30 PM-07:20 PM Laura Showalter ONLINE OL
LAB ·T····· 07:30 PM-10:20 PM
33756 CHEM 25 03 Preparation Course for General ChemistryView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:30 AM-01:20 PM Cinzia Muzzi FOR1
LAB ·T····· 08:30 AM-11:20 AM SC2208
33760 CHEM 25 04 Preparation Course for General ChemistryView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:30 AM-01:20 PM Cinzia Muzzi FOR1
LAB ···R··· 08:30 AM-11:20 AM SC2208
37913 CHEM 25 27Y Preparation Course for General ChemistryView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Allan Wilcox ONLINE HY
LAB ····F·· 10:30 AM-01:20 PM SC2208
CLAS ····F·· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM SC1102
35685 CHEM 25 43 Preparation Course for General ChemistryView Footnote ·T·R··· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Margarete Leclerc FOR3
LAB ·T····· 02:30 PM-05:20 PM SC2208
35686 CHEM 25 44 Preparation Course for General ChemistryView Footnote ·T·R··· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Margarete Leclerc FOR3
LAB ···R··· 02:30 PM-05:20 PM SC2208
37912 CHEM 25 62 Preparation Course for General ChemistryView Footnote M·W···· 05:30 PM-07:20 PM Xiao Wang MLC103
LAB ··W···· 07:30 PM-10:20 PM SC2208
39337 CHEM 30A 44 Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry I M·W···· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Burcak Artun G2
LAB ··W···· 02:30 PM-05:20 PM SC2208
32213 CHEM 30A 63 Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry IView Footnote ·T·R··· 05:30 PM-07:20 PM James Maxwell SC1102
LAB ·T····· 07:30 PM-10:20 PM SC2208
32214 CHEM 30A 64 Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry IView Footnote ·T·R··· 05:30 PM-07:20 PM James Maxwell SC1102
LAB ···R··· 07:30 PM-10:20 PM SC2208
37915 CHEM 30B 27Y Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry IIView Footnote ····F·· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM Semere Bairu S46 HY
LAB ····F·· 10:30 AM-01:20 PM SC2210
39024 CHLX 10 40 Introduction to Chicanx and Latinx StudiesView Footnote M·W···· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM ESQUIVEL MORENO, ANGELICA MCC-10
38418 CHLX 10 61Z Introduction to Chicanx and Latinx StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA ESQUIVEL MORENO, ANGELICA ONLINE OL
38419 CHLX 10 62Z Introduction to Chicanx and Latinx StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA ESQUIVEL MORENO, ANGELICA ONLINE OL
39023 CHLX 10 63Z Introduction to Chicanx and Latinx StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Angelina Loyola ONLINE OL
38577 CHLX 13 60Z The Chicanx and Latinx and the ArtsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA ESQUIVEL MORENO, ANGELICA ONLINE OL
37372 CHLX 26 50Z La Mujer: Latina Life and ExperienceView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Marc Coronado ONLINE OL
00435 CIS 2 63Z Computers and the Internet in SocietyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Valerie Taylor ONLINE OL
38817 CLP 7 50Z Self-AssessmentView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Pauline Wethington ONLINE OL
36820 CLP 7 52Z Self-AssessmentView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Herminio Hernando ONLINE OL
35201 COMM 1 01V Public SpeakingView Footnote ·T·R··· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Russell Hong L65
35206 COMM 1 01Y Public SpeakingView Footnote M·W···· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM David Hamilton L45 HY
35202 COMM 1 02Y Public SpeakingView Footnote M·W···· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Shagundeep Kaur L49 $0HY
35204 COMM 1 03Y Public SpeakingView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Kathleen Raiff L43 HY
35205 COMM 1 04Y Public SpeakingView Footnote M·W···· 11:30 AM-01:20 PM David Hamilton L49 HY
35484 COMM 1 05Y Public SpeakingView Footnote M·W···· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM James Ahern L43 $0HY
37322 COMM 1 06Y Public SpeakingView Footnote M·W···· 02:30 PM-04:20 PM BROWN, KATE L43 HY
37331 COMM 1 07Y Public SpeakingView Footnote M·W···· 04:30 PM-06:20 PM Sabrina Maciel L49 HY
35208 COMM 1 08Y Public SpeakingView Footnote M·W···· 06:30 PM-08:20 PM Sabrina Maciel L49 HY
38822 COMM 1 09Y Public SpeakingView Footnote ·T·R··· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM HUYNH, CHLOE L45 HY
37515 COMM 1 10Y Public SpeakingView Footnote ·T·R··· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Peter Lee L48 HY
35210 COMM 1 11Y Public SpeakingView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:30 AM-01:20 PM Alex Kramer L49 HY
35211 COMM 1 12Y Public SpeakingView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:30 AM-01:20 PM Russell Hong L45 HY
35213 COMM 1 13Y Public SpeakingView Footnote ·T·R··· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Peter Lee L48 HY
35214 COMM 1 14Y Public SpeakingView Footnote ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Patrick McDonnell L49 HY
35218 COMM 1 16Y Public SpeakingView Footnote ·T·R··· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Laureen Mercer-Kurt MLC112 $0HY
35219 COMM 1 17Y Public SpeakingView Footnote ·T·R··· 04:30 PM-06:20 PM Karl Isacson L49 HY
35220 COMM 1 18Y Public SpeakingView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:20 PM Karl Isacson L49 HY
35200 COMM 1 50Z Public SpeakingView Footnote M·W···· 07:30 AM-09:45 AM Joel Sakakihara ONLINE OL
35209 COMM 1 51Z Public SpeakingView Footnote ·T·R··· 07:30 AM-09:45 AM Joel Sakakihara ONLINE OL
35198 COMM 1 52Z Public SpeakingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Alex Kramer ONLINE OL
35199 COMM 1 53Z Public SpeakingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Stephen Hinerman ONLINE OL
35203 COMM 1 54Z Public SpeakingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Royce Cano ONLINE OL
35215 COMM 1 55Z Public SpeakingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA James Ahern ONLINE $0OL
35216 COMM 1 56Z Public SpeakingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Roxanne Cnudde ONLINE $0OL
35969 COMM 1 57Z Public SpeakingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Tina Lim ONLINE OL
35970 COMM 1 58Z Public SpeakingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Nick Chivers ONLINE $0OL
35864 COMM 1 60Z Public SpeakingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Stephen Hinerman ONLINE OL
38867 COMM 1 61Z Public SpeakingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Alex Kramer ONLINE OL
35207 COMM 1 62Z Public SpeakingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Brandon Gainer ONLINE OL
39331 COMM 1 63Z Public SpeakingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ruth Zylka ONLINE OL
38685 COMM 7 01Y Intercultural CommunicationView Footnote M······ 06:30 PM-08:20 PM PARK, NANCY MLC112 $0HY
38676 COMM 7 02Y Intercultural CommunicationView Footnote ··W···· 06:30 PM-08:20 PM PARK, NANCY MLC112 $0HY
35221 COMM 8 01Y Argumentation and Critical Inquiry in Oral CommunicationView Footnote ·T·R··· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Alex Kramer L49 HY
35222 COMM 8 50Z Argumentation and Critical Inquiry in Oral CommunicationView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Alex Kramer ONLINE OL
35223 COMM 9 01Y Argumentation: Analysis of Oral and Written CommunicationView Footnote ··W···· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Brandon Gainer L45 HY
35225 COMM 9 50Z Argumentation: Analysis of Oral and Written CommunicationView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Brandon Gainer ONLINE OL
35226 COMM 10 01Y Fundamentals of Oral CommunicationView Footnote M·W···· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM Russell Hong L48 HY
35227 COMM 10 02Y Fundamentals of Oral CommunicationView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Russell Hong L48 HY
35229 COMM 10 03Y Fundamentals of Oral CommunicationView Footnote M·W···· 11:30 AM-01:20 PM Anya Iyengar MLC112 HY
35230 COMM 10 04Y Fundamentals of Oral CommunicationView Footnote M·W···· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Kathleen Raiff L48 HY
38675 COMM 10 05Y Fundamentals of Oral CommunicationView Footnote M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Russell Hong L49 HY
35235 COMM 10 07Y Fundamentals of Oral CommunicationView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:30 AM-01:20 PM Patrick McDonnell L43 HY
38838 COMM 10 08Y Fundamentals of Oral CommunicationView Footnote M······ 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Stephanie Anderson L45 HY
35242 COMM 10 50Z Fundamentals of Oral CommunicationView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Royce Cano ONLINE OL
35237 COMM 10 51Z Fundamentals of Oral CommunicationView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Stephanie Anderson ONLINE $0OL
35243 COMM 10 52Z Fundamentals of Oral CommunicationView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ruth Zylka ONLINE OL
35246 COMM 15 01Y Critical Decision-Making in GroupsView Footnote ··W···· 12:30 PM-02:45 PM Nick Chivers L46 HY
35247 COMM 15 50Z Critical Decision-Making in GroupsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Stephanie Anderson ONLINE $0OL
35248 COMM 16 01Y Interpersonal CommunicationView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Nick Chivers L45 HY
35249 COMM 16 50Z Interpersonal CommunicationView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Nick Chivers ONLINE OL
38046 COMM 70 50Z Organizational CommunicationView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Shagundeep Kaur ONLINE $0OL
38682 DANC 22 01 Body Awareness and Conditioning for DancersView Footnote ·T·R··· 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Janet Shaw PE11U
38648 DANC 22K 01 Theory and Technique of Ballet IView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:30 AM-12:45 PM Janet Shaw PE11U
38649 DANC 22L 01 Theory and Technique of Ballet IIView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:30 AM-12:45 PM Janet Shaw PE11U
38650 DANC 22M 01 Theory and Technique of Ballet IIIView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:30 AM-12:45 PM Janet Shaw PE11U
39164 DANC 23L 01 Theory and Technique of Hip-Hop I (Popular American Dance) ·T·R··· 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Rachel Silveria PE11U
39165 DANC 23M 01 Theory and Technique of Hip-Hop II (Popular American Dance II) ·T·R··· 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Rachel Silveria PE11U
39166 DANC 23N 01 Theory and Technique of Hip-Hop III (Popular American Dance III) ·T·R··· 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Rachel Silveria PE11U
00525 DANC 38A 50Z Appreciation of DanceView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Vernon Gallegos ONLINE OL
32385 DANC 38A 51Z Appreciation of DanceView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Vernon Gallegos ONLINE OL
00577 ECON 1 01Y Principles of MacroeconomicsView Footnote ···R··· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Ravjeet Singh S56 HY
39262 ECON 1 02Z Principles of MacroeconomicsView Footnote ····F·· 09:30 AM-01:20 PM Mark Brady ONLINE OL
35185 ECON 1 05Y Principles of MacroeconomicsView Footnote ··W···· 04:00 PM-05:50 PM Stephen Blohm S56 HY
35644 ECON 1 50Z Principles of MacroeconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Monika Thomas ONLINE OL
00585 ECON 1 51Z Principles of MacroeconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Don Uy-Barreta ONLINE OL
36810 ECON 1 52Z Principles of MacroeconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ravjeet Singh ONLINE OL
38113 ECON 1 53Z Principles of MacroeconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Manisha Perera ONLINE OL
39093 ECON 1 54Z Principles of MacroeconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Triyakshana Seshadri ONLINE OLLQ
38699 ECON 1 56Z Principles of MacroeconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Monika Thomas ONLINE OL
32958 ECON 1 57Z Principles of MacroeconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Stephen Blohm ONLINE OL
39092 ECON 1 61Y Principles of MacroeconomicsView Footnote ·T····· 06:30 PM-08:20 PM Abdullahi Koshin MLC110 HY
30358 ECON 1 63Z Principles of MacroeconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ninos Malek ONLINE OL
39355 ECON 1H 01Y Principles of Macroeconomics - HONORS ···R··· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Ravjeet Singh S56 HY
00594 ECON 2 01Y Principles of MicroeconomicsView Footnote ··W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Ravjeet Singh S56 HY
39094 ECON 2 02Y Principles of MicroeconomicsView Footnote M······ 04:00 PM-06:50 PM Don Uy-Barreta S56 HYLQ
37026 ECON 2 03Y Principles of MicroeconomicsView Footnote M······ 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Monika Thomas MLC105 HY
39095 ECON 2 50Z Principles of MicroeconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Triyakshana Seshadri ONLINE OLLQ
00596 ECON 2 51Z Principles of MicroeconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ravjeet Singh ONLINE OL
34931 ECON 2 52Z Principles of MicroeconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Manisha Perera ONLINE OL
00597 ECON 2 53Z Principles of MicroeconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Monika Thomas ONLINE OL
00595 ECON 2 55Z Principles of MicroeconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ninos Malek ONLINE OL
00598 ECON 2 56Z Principles of MicroeconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ninos Malek ONLINE OL
39091 ECON 2 61 Principles of MicroeconomicsView Footnote ·T····· 06:30 PM-10:20 PM Ninos Malek S56
39356 ECON 2H 01Y Principles of Microeconomics - HONORS ··W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Ravjeet Singh S56 HY
37422 ECON 3 50Z Environmental EconomicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Monika Thomas ONLINE OL
34329 ECON 4 01 Economics of Public IssuesView Footnote ·T·R··· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Ninos Malek L24
38275 ELIT 10 01Y Introduction to FictionView Footnote ···R··· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Mary Cudahy MLC109 HY
38735 ELIT 11 01Y Introduction to PoetryView Footnote ·T····· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Francesca Caparas L36 HY
39136 ELIT 17 01Y Introduction to ShakespeareView Footnote ·T····· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Becky Roberts L36 HY
37163 ELIT 21 50Z Women in LiteratureView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Judy Hubbard ONLINE OL
39137 ELIT 40 01Y African American LiteratureView Footnote ··W···· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Julie Wilson ADM103 HY
00626 ELIT 46B 01Y Major British Writers (Neo-Classical and Romantic)View Footnote ··W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Julie Pesano L36 HY
39354 ELIT 46BH 01Y Major British Writers (Neo-Classical and Romantic) - HONORS ··W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Julie Pesano L36 HY
00628 ELIT 48B 01 Major American Writers (The Advent of Realism, 1865-1914)View Footnote M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Brian Malone L36
39339 ELIT 48BH 01 Major American Writers (The Advent of Realism, 1865-1914) - HONORS M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Brian Malone L36
30360 ES 1 01Z Introduction to Environmental StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA William Roeder ONLINE OL
38116 ES 1 04Z Introduction to Environmental StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA William Roeder ONLINE OL
39074 ES 1 52Z Introduction to Environmental StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA William Roeder ONLINE OLLQ
37037 ES 2 50Z Introduction to SustainabilityView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Joshua McCluskey ONLINE OL
32477 ES 3 50Z Imagery of the EnvironmentView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Lynn Thorensen ONLINE OL
38802 ES 3 51Z Imagery of the EnvironmentView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Lynn Thorensen ONLINE OLLQ
39077 ES 4 01Z Energy, the Environment, and SocietyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA William Roeder TBA OLLQ
39280 ESCI 1 03Z Environmental Science ······· TBA-TBA Mary Poffenroth ONLINE OL
38856 ESCI 1 05Z Environmental ScienceView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Jana Sanders ONLINE OL
34387 ESCI 1 51Z Environmental ScienceView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ryan Phillips ONLINE OL
39071 ESCI 1 53Z Environmental Science ······· TBA-TBA Helian Ratsirarson ONLINE OL
36264 ESCI 1 54Z Environmental ScienceView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Helian Ratsirarson ONLINE OL
38119 ESCI 1 55Z Environmental ScienceView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ryan Phillips ONLINE OL
38753 ESCI 1 56Z Environmental ScienceView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Mary Poffenroth ONLINE OL
39073 ESCI 1 59Z Environmental Science ······· TBA-TBA Joshua McCluskey ONLINE OL
39281 ESCI 1 60Z Environmental Science ······· TBA-TBA Jana Sanders ONLINE OLLQ
38755 ESCI 1L 02 Environmental Science LaboratoryView Footnote ··W···· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM Joshua McCluskey KC115
38284 ESCI 1L 03 Environmental Science LaboratoryView Footnote ·T····· 10:30 AM-01:20 PM Joshua McCluskey KC115
37208 ESCI 19 01Y Environmental BiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Gayatri Pal ONLINE HY
LAB ·T····· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM KC120
38286 ESCI 19 03Y Environmental BiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Gayatri Pal ONLINE HY
LAB ····F·· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM KC115
36483 ESL 5 01Y Advanced Composition and ReadingView Footnote ··W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Iva Tracey L32 HY
36621 ESL 5 02Y Advanced Composition and ReadingView Footnote ·T····· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Katelyn Endow L33 HY
37316 ESL 5 50Z Advanced Composition and ReadingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Maria Marin ONLINE OL
31750 ESL 5 51Z Advanced Composition and ReadingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Maria Marin ONLINE OL
36756 EWRT 1A 01Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote ··W···· 06:00 PM-08:15 PM Vivian Bejarin ONLINE
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
00747 EWRT 1A 02Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote M······ 08:30 AM-10:20 AM Maryalice Bonilla L36
CLAS ··W···· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM ONLINE
00748 EWRT 1A 03Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote ·T·R··· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM Anne Argyriou L46
00749 EWRT 1A 04Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote ·T····· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM Veronica Acevedo Avila L36
CLAS ···R··· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM ONLINE
00750 EWRT 1A 05Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote M·W···· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Yeganeh Modirzadeh L73A
00752 EWRT 1A 06Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote ·T·R··· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Anne Marie Waldsmith L73A
00751 EWRT 1A 07Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Lauren Gordon L46
00754 EWRT 1A 08Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote ·T·R··· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Julie Sartwell L61
00755 EWRT 1A 09Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote M·W···· 11:30 AM-01:20 PM Veronica Acevedo Avila L73A
39144 EWRT 1A 01QD Composition and ReadingView Footnote ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Julie Sartwell L65 LC
00756 EWRT 1A 10Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:30 AM-01:20 PM Rebecca Board Liljenstolpe L73A
00757 EWRT 1A 11Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote M······ 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Maryalice Bonilla L73A
CLAS ··W···· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM ONLINE
00758 EWRT 1A 12Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote ·T····· 03:30 PM-05:20 PM Francesca Caparas L73A
CLAS ···R··· 03:30 PM-05:20 PM ONLINE
36743 EWRT 1A 13Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote M·W···· 05:30 PM-07:20 PM Becky Roberts ONLINE
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
00763 EWRT 1A 14Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:20 PM Julie Morfee ONLINE
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
37166 EWRT 1A 15Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote M·W···· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Sherwin Mendoza L31
39255 EWRT 1A 17Q Composition and ReadingView Footnote M·W···· 05:30 PM-07:20 PM Alexis Cattivera ONLINE
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
36515 EWRT 1A 20Y Composition and ReadingView Footnote M·W···· 08:30 AM-09:20 AM Ryan Dickson L31 HY
00771 EWRT 1A 21Y Composition and ReadingView Footnote ·T·R··· 09:30 AM-10:20 AM Elliott Cragen L31 HY
30080 EWRT 1A 22Y Composition and ReadingView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-11:20 AM Alex Giardino L25 HY
30230 EWRT 1A 23Y Composition and ReadingView Footnote ·T·R··· 10:30 AM-11:20 AM Jill Quigley L31 HY
31031 EWRT 1A 24Y Composition and ReadingView Footnote M·W···· 11:30 AM-12:20 PM Alex Giardino L31 HY
31135 EWRT 1A 25Y Composition and ReadingView Footnote M·W···· 12:30 PM-01:20 PM Jesus Quintero L31 HY
31189 EWRT 1A 26Y Composition and ReadingView Footnote ··W···· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Ryan Dickson L66 HY
32488 EWRT 1A 27Y Composition and ReadingView Footnote ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-02:20 PM Randie Wann L31 HY
38879 EWRT 1A 28Y Composition and ReadingView Footnote M······ 11:30 AM-01:20 PM Sarah Lisha L64 HY
38880 EWRT 1A 29Y Composition and ReadingView Footnote M······ 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Sarah Lisha L64 HY
37184 EWRT 1A 50Z Composition and ReadingView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-07:20 PM Maryalice Bonilla ONLINE OL
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
33941 EWRT 1A 51Z Composition and ReadingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Roseanne Quinn ONLINE OL
33957 EWRT 1A 52Z Composition and ReadingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Maria Frangos ONLINE OL
35326 EWRT 1A 53Z Composition and ReadingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Raymond Brennan ONLINE $LOL
35956 EWRT 1A 54Z Composition and ReadingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Raymond Brennan ONLINE $LOL
31914 EWRT 1A 55Z Composition and ReadingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Luis Limcolioc ONLINE $0OL
31973 EWRT 1A 56Z Composition and ReadingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Luis Limcolioc ONLINE $0OL
36136 EWRT 1A 57Z Composition and ReadingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Luis Limcolioc ONLINE $0OL
39336 EWRT 1A 58Z Composition and ReadingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA John Swensson ONLINE OL
39387 EWRT 1A 59Z Composition and Reading ······· TBA-TBA Francesca Caparas ONLINE OLLQ
34883 EWRT 1B 01Y Reading, Writing and ResearchView Footnote ·T····· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Jill Quigley L64 HY
00779 EWRT 1B 02Y Reading, Writing and ResearchView Footnote ···R··· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Jill Quigley L64 HY
31759 EWRT 1B 50Z Reading, Writing and ResearchView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Julie Pesano ONLINE OL
00802 EWRT 1B 51Z Reading, Writing and ResearchView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Rebecca Board Liljenstolpe ONLINE OL
00788 EWRT 1B 52Z Reading, Writing and ResearchView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Rebecca Board Liljenstolpe ONLINE OL
38984 EWRT 2 01P Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ··W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Christine Chai MLC110
36520 EWRT 2 01R Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Roseanne Quinn ONLINE
38674 EWRT 2 01S Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Brian Malone L61 CS
38280 EWRT 2 01V Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ··W···· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Christine Chai MLC105
38264 EWRT 2 01Y Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote M······ 08:30 AM-10:20 AM Sergio Rizzo L82 HY
38265 EWRT 2 02Y Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote M·W···· 09:30 AM-10:20 AM Diana Fleming L64 HY
38266 EWRT 2 03Y Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ·T·R··· 09:30 AM-10:20 AM Diana Fleming L64 HY
00824 EWRT 2 04Y Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-11:20 AM Randie Wann L64 HY
00825 EWRT 2 05Y Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ·T·R··· 10:30 AM-11:20 AM Diana Fleming L64 HY
30240 EWRT 2 06Y Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote M······ 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Laura Orella L82 HY
30436 EWRT 2 07Y Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ·T····· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Marrietta Reber L82 HY
32701 EWRT 2 09Y Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:30 AM-12:20 PM Dave Denny L46 HY
38124 EWRT 2 01UM Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Julie Wilson L66
33201 EWRT 2 10Y Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ·T····· 11:30 AM-01:20 PM Anne Argyriou MLC108 HY
33958 EWRT 2 11Y Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote M·W···· 12:30 PM-01:20 PM Azin Arefi Anbarani L36 HY
34064 EWRT 2 12Y Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote M·W···· 01:30 PM-02:20 PM Lauren Gordon L82 HY
34615 EWRT 2 13Y Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-02:20 PM Todd Gutmann L82 HY
39254 EWRT 2 14Y Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:30 AM-12:20 PM Jesus Quintero L75 HY
34616 EWRT 2 50Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ·T·R··· 08:30 AM-09:20 AM Kristin Agius ONLINE OL
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
35328 EWRT 2 51Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Luis Limcolioc ONLINE $0OL
35984 EWRT 2 52Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Amy Leonard ONLINE OL
36020 EWRT 2 53Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Amy Leonard ONLINE OL
36086 EWRT 2 54Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Diane Furlan ONLINE OL
36119 EWRT 2 55Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Laura Orella ONLINE OL
38276 EWRT 2 56Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Adam Sandel ONLINE OL
36518 EWRT 2 57Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Deborah Garfinkle ONLINE OL
36519 EWRT 2 58Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Husne Jahan ONLINE OL
36727 EWRT 2 59Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Marc Coronado ONLINE OL
00821 EWRT 2 60Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA John Gravener ONLINE OL
36522 EWRT 2 61Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Richard Ferrie ONLINE OL
00828 EWRT 2 62Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Alex Giardino ONLINE OL
00830 EWRT 2 63Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Amy Leonard ONLINE OL
00831 EWRT 2 64Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Margaret Hanzimanolis ONLINE OL
31121 EWRT 2 65Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Amy Leonard ONLINE OL
31964 EWRT 2 66Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Sarah Lisha ONLINE OL
38120 EWRT 2 67Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Mary Cudahy ONLINE OL
34065 EWRT 2 68Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA John Swensson ONLINE OL
34072 EWRT 2 69Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Laura Martin ONLINE OL
35330 EWRT 2 70Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Nga Huynh ONLINE OL
36726 EWRT 2 71Z Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Marrietta Reber ONLINE OL
39321 EWRT 2 72Z Critical Reading, Writing and Thinking ······· TBA-TBA Alex Giardino ONLINE OL
38881 EWRT 2 FY Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Kristin Agius L65
39253 EWRT 2 FY Critical Reading, Writing and ThinkingView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Jesus Quintero L75
38846 EWRT 30 01Y Introduction to Creative WritingView Footnote ··W···· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Amy Leonard L64 HY
37754 EWRT 40 50Z Fiction WritingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Jennifer Penkethman ONLINE OL
37105 F/TV 1 01 Introduction to Cinematic ArtsView Footnote M······ 09:30 AM-01:20 PM Christina Wright AT120
37110 F/TV 1 50Z Introduction to Cinematic ArtsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ingrid Schulz ONLINE OL
37108 F/TV 1 51Z Introduction to Cinematic ArtsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Kristen Anderson ONLINE OL
37091 F/TV 1 52Z Introduction to Cinematic ArtsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Susan Tavernetti ONLINE OL
39172 F/TV 1 53Z Introduction to Cinematic Arts ······· TBA-TBA Drew Todd ONLINE OL
39177 F/TV 1H 52Z Introduction to Cinematic Arts - HONORS ······· TBA-TBA Susan Tavernetti ONLINE OL
37062 F/TV 2A 50Z History of Cinema (1895-1950)View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Susan Tavernetti ONLINE OL
39178 F/TV 2AH 50Z History of Cinema (1895-1950) - HONORS ······· TBA-TBA Susan Tavernetti ONLINE OL
00889 F/TV 2B 50Z History of Cinema (1950-Present)View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Susan Tavernetti ONLINE OL
39179 F/TV 2BH 50Z History of Cinema (1950-Present) - HONORS ······· TBA-TBA Susan Tavernetti ONLINE OL
39173 F/TV 7 01 Script AnalysisView Footnote M······ 12:30 PM-04:20 PM Joshua Losben AT103
37128 F/TV 10 01 Introduction to Electronic MediaView Footnote ···R··· 10:30 AM-02:20 PM Alexandra Lacey AT120
37084 F/TV 75G 50Z History of Animation (1900-Present)View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Mark Hamer ONLINE OL
38118 FREN 1 01Z Elementary French (First Quarter)View Footnote M·W···· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Loubna Hafid ONLINE OL
CLAS ······· TBA-TBA
36611 FREN 2 40Z Elementary French (Second Quarter)View Footnote M·W···· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Loubna Hafid ONLINE OL
00939 GEO 1 01Y Physical GeographyView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:30 AM-12:20 PM Sohini Dutt L23 HY
34215 GEO 1 02Y Physical GeographyView Footnote ·T·R··· 10:30 AM-11:20 AM Sohini Dutt L23 HY
33324 GEO 1 63Z Physical GeographyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA KOROMA, JOSEPH ONLINE OL
32275 GEO 4 50Z Cultural GeographyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Kerry Rohrmeier ONLINE OL
34934 GEO 10 50Z World Regional GeographyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Kerry Rohrmeier ONLINE OL
34214 GEO 10 63Z World Regional GeographyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Eileen Pena ONLINE OL
36445 GEO 10 65Z World Regional GeographyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Eileen Pena ONLINE OL
35580 GEOL 10 01 Introductory GeologyView Footnote M·W···· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Marek Cichanski S15
LAB M·W···· 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
00949 GEOL 10 02 Introductory GeologyView Footnote ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Chris Dileonardo S15
LAB ·T·R··· 03:30 PM-04:45 PM
38981 GEOL 10 51Z Introductory GeologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Chris Dileonardo ONLINE OL
LAB ······· TBA-TBA
39123 GEOL 10 53Z Introductory GeologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Chris Dileonardo ONLINE OL
LAB ······· TBA-TBA
31669 GEOL 20 61Z General OceanographyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Chris Dileonardo ONLINE OL
33858 GERM 2 40Z Elementary German (Second Quarter)View Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Maike Ahrends ONLINE OL
35666 HIST 3A 50Z World History from Prehistory to 750 CEView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Raeann Ramsey ONLINE OL
32966 HIST 3A 63Z World History from Prehistory to 750 CEView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Rashi Jackman ONLINE OL
36305 HIST 3B 50Z World History from 750 to 1750 CEView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Christopher Jackson ONLINE OL
39340 HIST 3BH 50Z World History from 750 to 1750 CE - HONORS ······· TBA-TBA Christopher Jackson ONLINE OL
36306 HIST 3C 50Z World History from 1750 CE to the PresentView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Lindsay Bell ONLINE OL
34939 HIST 6A 50Z History of Western Civilization: Pre-History to 750 C.E.View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ben Kline ONLINE OL
38632 HIST 6B 50Z History of Western Civilization: 750 C.E. to 1750 C.E.View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Ben Kline ONLINE OL
39025 HIST 7A 60Z Colonial Latin American HistoryView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Rachel Moore ONLINE OL
34946 HIST 17A 01 History of the United States to Early National EraView Footnote ·T·R··· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Carol Cini L26
35669 HIST 17A 50Z History of the United States to Early National EraView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Hai Nguyen ONLINE OL
37764 HIST 17A 54Z History of the United States to Early National EraView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Carol Cini ONLINE OL
38733 HIST 17A 55Z History of the United States to Early National EraView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA George Edgar ONLINE OL
39347 HIST 17AH 55Z History of the United States to Early National Era - HONORS ······· TBA-TBA George Edgar ONLINE OL
38631 HIST 17B 01 History of the United States from 1800 to 1900View Footnote M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Lindsay Bell L72
35081 HIST 17B 02Y History of the United States from 1800 to 1900View Footnote ··W···· 06:30 PM-08:20 PM Michele Bertolone L72 HY
35815 HIST 17B 63Z History of the United States from 1800 to 1900View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Carlos Mujal ONLINE OL
38633 HIST 17B 66Z History of the United States from 1800 to 1900View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Hai Nguyen ONLINE OL
35673 HIST 17C 01 History of the United States from 1900 to the PresentView Footnote M·W···· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Lindsay Bell L72
36317 HIST 17C 02 History of the United States from 1900 to the PresentView Footnote ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Carol Cini L26
34325 HIST 17C 50Z History of the United States from 1900 to the PresentView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Carol Cini ONLINE OL
34318 HIST 17C 51Z History of the United States from 1900 to the PresentView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Carlos Mujal ONLINE OL
35670 HIST 17C 53Z History of the United States from 1900 to the PresentView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Carol Cini ONLINE OL
34316 HIST 17C 58Z History of the United States from 1900 to the PresentView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Christopher Jackson ONLINE OL
39341 HIST 17CH 58Z History of the United States from 1900 to the Present - HONORS ······· TBA-TBA Christopher Jackson ONLINE OL
37531 HIST 18B 60Z African American History Since 1865View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Julie Keiffer-Lewis ONLINE OL
39190 HIST 19B 60Z History of Asian Civilization: China and Japan (19th - 21st Centuries)View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA PARK, NANCY ELIZABETH ONLINE OL
01005 HLTH 21 50Z Contemporary Health ConcernsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Barbara Liechty ONLINE OL
37324 HLTH 21 53Z Contemporary Health ConcernsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Barbara Liechty ONLINE OLLQ
31206 HNDI 2 40Z Elementary Hindi (Second Quarter)View Footnote M·W···· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Nilu Gupta ONLINE $0OL
38571 HUMA 10 01Y Human SexualityView Footnote ··W···· 09:30 AM-10:20 AM Herminio Hernando MLC260 HY
32579 HUMA 10 50Z Human SexualityView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Pauline Wethington ONLINE OL
37187 HUMA 10 51Z Human SexualityView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Herminio Hernando ONLINE OL
36808 HUMA 10 52Z Human SexualityView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA JOPLIN-LIGHTFOOTE, NATASHA ONLINE OL
33865 HUMA 20 50Z Life Skills for Higher EducationView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Melinda Hughes ONLINE OL
35836 HUMA 30 50Z Understanding and Managing StressView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA KD Huynh ONLINE OL
36346 HUMA 30 51Z Understanding and Managing StressView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Shireen Woo ONLINE $0OL
32276 HUMI 1 01Y Creative MindsView Footnote M······ 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Gening Jin G4 HY
37226 HUMI 1 02R Creative MindsView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Sal Breiter ONLINE
32919 HUMI 1 02Z Creative MindsView Footnote M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Sal Breiter ONLINE $0OL
37982 HUMI 1 04Y Creative MindsView Footnote M······ 05:30 PM-07:20 PM Alysia Rueda G4 $LHY
01058 HUMI 1 05Y Creative MindsView Footnote ·T····· 03:30 PM-05:20 PM Andrew Wood ADM101 HY
01057 HUMI 1 07Z Creative MindsView Footnote ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Janet Shaw ONLINE OL
01055 HUMI 1 09Y Creative MindsView Footnote ··W···· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Gening Jin ADM101 HY
36867 HUMI 1 10Y Creative MindsView Footnote ··W···· 03:30 PM-05:20 PM Andrew Wood ADM101 HY
35646 HUMI 1 50Z Creative MindsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Veronica Keiffer-Lewis ONLINE OL
30755 HUMI 1 51Z Creative MindsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Lori Clinchard ONLINE OL
31586 HUMI 1 52Z Creative MindsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Alysia Rueda ONLINE OL
32606 HUMI 1 53Z Creative MindsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Apryl Berney ONLINE OL
31584 HUMI 1 54Z Creative MindsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Lori Clinchard ONLINE OL
38382 HUMI 1 55Z Creative MindsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Elvin Ramos ONLINE OL
30111 HUMI 1 56Z Creative MindsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Barbara Hoffman ONLINE OL
38659 HUMI 1 57Z Creative MindsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Jeffrey Acido ONLINE OL
34927 HUMI 1 58Z Creative MindsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Jeffrey Acido ONLINE OL
39362 HUMI 1 59Z Creative MindsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA LATTERI, NATALIE ONLINE OLLQ
39358 HUMI 1H 02Z Creative Minds - HONORS M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Sal Breiter ONLINE OL
39351 HUMI 1H 51Z Creative Minds - HONORS ······· TBA-TBA Lori Clinchard ONLINE OL
39352 HUMI 1H 54Z Creative Minds - HONORS ······· TBA-TBA Lori Clinchard ONLINE OL
30756 HUMI 6 01Y Popular CultureView Footnote ···R··· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Apryl Berney ADM101 HY
01062 HUMI 6 50Z Popular CultureView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Raeann Ramsey ONLINE OL
34764 HUMI 7 01Z The Arts and the Human SpiritView Footnote ··W···· 05:30 PM-07:20 PM Rashi Jackman ONLINE OL
CLAS ······· TBA-TBA
37983 HUMI 9 01MY Introduction to Comparative Religion ·T····· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Lori Clinchard L66 HY
30114 HUMI 9 50Z Introduction to Comparative ReligionView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Javier Galindo ONLINE OL
39353 HUMI 9H 00IMY Introduction to Comparative Religion - HONORS ·T····· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Lori Clinchard L66 HY
38665 HUMI 15 50Z Discussion on the ArtsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Barbara Hoffman ONLINE OL
39332 HUMI 16 50Z Arts, Ideas and ValuesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Barbara Hoffman ONLINE OL
01077 HUMI 16 63Z Arts, Ideas and ValuesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Leslie Berry ONLINE OL
38367 HUMI 18 01Y History as Mystery: A Critique of Western Perspectives in a Global ContextView Footnote ··W···· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Andrew Wood ADM101 HYLQ
39338 HUMI 18H 01Y History as Mystery: A Critique of Western Perspectives in a Global Context - HONORS ··W···· 01:30 PM-03:20 PM Andrew Wood ADM101 HYLQ
38763 ICS 17 01EZ Critical Consciousness and Social ChangeView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:00 PM-07:50 PM Cynthia Kaufman ONLINE OL
39282 ICS 17 01LE Critical Consciousness and Social ChangeView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:00 PM-07:50 PM Cynthia Kaufman ONLINE
39342 ICS 17H 01EZ Critical Consciousness and Social Change - HONORS ·T·R··· 06:00 PM-07:50 PM Cynthia Kaufman ONLINE OL
38786 ICS 26 01S Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer StudiesView Footnote ·T····· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM RAMIREZ, SUSANA ADM101 CS
38787 ICS 26 01Z Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer StudiesView Footnote ·T····· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM RAMIREZ, SUSANA ADM101 OL
39026 ICS 38A 60Z Colonial Latin American HistoryView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Rachel Moore ONLINE OL
38829 INTL 5 60Z Contemporary Global IssuesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Veronica Keiffer-Lewis ONLINE OL
38830 INTL 33 60Z Introduction to Peace and Conflict StudiesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Veronica Keiffer-Lewis ONLINE OL
32523 ITAL 2 01Z Elementary Italian (Second Quarter)View Footnote M·W···· 06:00 PM-07:50 PM Diana Ferrara ONLINE $0OL
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
35967 JAPN 1 41 Elementary Japanese (First Quarter)View Footnote ·T·R··· 12:30 PM-02:45 PM Renshi Xuan L61
01154 JAPN 1 42 Elementary Japanese (First Quarter)View Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Min-Jin Kuo MCC-12
35504 JAPN 2 41Z Elementary Japanese (Second Quarter)View Footnote M·W···· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Yumi Mccormick ONLINE OL
31919 JOUR 2 01Y Media and Its Impact On SocietyView Footnote M······ 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Newsha Naderzad L42 HY
01162 JOUR 2 02Y Media and Its Impact On SocietyView Footnote M······ 11:30 AM-01:20 PM Newsha Naderzad L42 HY
38262 JOUR 2 50Z Media and Its Impact On SocietyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Gail McElroy ONLINE OL
37621 KNES 5AX 01 Indoor CyclingView Footnote M·W···· 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Rusty Johnson PE14
38077 KNES 5AX 02 Indoor CyclingView Footnote M·W···· 07:00 AM-08:15 AM Rachel Catuiza PE14
39103 KNES 5AX 03 Indoor Cycling ·T·R··· 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Rusty Johnson PE14
37622 KNES 5BX 01 High Intensity Indoor CyclingView Footnote M·W···· 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Rusty Johnson PE14
38079 KNES 5BX 02 High Intensity Indoor CyclingView Footnote M·W···· 07:00 AM-08:15 AM Rachel Catuiza PE14
39104 KNES 5BX 03 High Intensity Indoor Cycling ·T·R··· 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Rusty Johnson PE14
37073 KNES 6AX 50Z Aerobic Power WalkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Rachel Catuiza ONLINE OL
38394 KNES 6AX 52Z Aerobic Power WalkingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Joe D'Agostino ONLINE OLLQ
38799 KNES 12D 01 Beginning KarateView Footnote M·W···· 06:00 PM-06:50 PM Pete Rabbitt PE15
38807 KNES 12E 01 Intermediate KarateView Footnote M·W···· 06:00 PM-06:50 PM Pete Rabbitt PE15
39036 KNES 12G 01 Self-Defense M·W···· 05:00 PM-05:50 PM Pete Rabbitt PE14
38084 KNES 15AX 01 Cross TrainingView Footnote M·W···· 08:30 AM-09:45 AM Rachel Catuiza PE15
38080 KNES 15CX 01 Total FitnessView Footnote M·W···· 07:00 AM-08:15 AM Rachel Catuiza PE14
39265 KNES 15CX 02 Total Fitness M·W···· 11:00 AM-12:15 PM GWI, SEAN PE15
36922 KNES 15CX 50Z Total FitnessView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Jason Damjanovic ONLINE OL
38796 KNES 15CX 51Z Total FitnessView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Rachel Catuiza ONLINE OLLQ
38083 KNES 15EX 01 Cardiovascular and Strength TrainingView Footnote M·W···· 08:30 AM-09:45 AM Rachel Catuiza PE15
39264 KNES 15EX 02 Cardiovascular and Strength Training M·W···· 11:00 AM-12:15 PM GWI, SEAN PE15
36923 KNES 15EX 50Z Cardiovascular and Strength TrainingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Jason Damjanovic ONLINE OL
38395 KNES 15EX 51Z Cardiovascular and Strength TrainingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Joe D'Agostino ONLINE OLLQ
37065 KNES 15EX 52Z Cardiovascular and Strength TrainingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Rachel Catuiza ONLINE OL
39037 KNES 19AX 02 Strength Development M·W···· 10:00 AM-11:15 AM Rachel Catuiza PE11LE
39038 KNES 19BX 02 Strength Development 2 M·W···· 10:00 AM-11:15 AM Rachel Catuiza PE11LE
38081 KNES 19GX 01 Core ConditioningView Footnote M·W···· 07:00 AM-08:15 AM Rachel Catuiza PE14
38082 KNES 19GX 02 Core ConditioningView Footnote M·W···· 08:30 AM-09:45 AM Rachel Catuiza PE15
39029 KNES 19GX 50Z Core Conditioning ······· TBA-TBA Danielle Altman ONLINE OL
37074 KNES 19GX 51Z Core ConditioningView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Rachel Catuiza ONLINE OL
37928 KNES 19GX 52Z Core ConditioningView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Danielle Altman ONLINE OLLQ
37623 KNES 22AX 01 Hatha YogaView Footnote M·W···· 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Rusty Johnson PE14
37924 KNES 22AX 50Z Hatha YogaView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Danielle Altman ONLINE OL
37624 KNES 22DX 01 Flow YogaView Footnote M·W···· 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Rusty Johnson PE14
38398 KNES 22DX 50Z Flow YogaView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Danielle Altman ONLINE OL
37068 KNES 25BX 51Z Active Isolated StretchingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Joe D'Agostino ONLINE OL
39263 KNES 25BX 52Z Active Isolated Stretching ······· TBA-TBA GWI, SEAN ONLINE OLLQ
36921 KNES 25BX 53Z Active Isolated StretchingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Jason Damjanovic ONLINE OL
38797 KNES 26AX 50Z Basic Pilates Mat ExerciseView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Rachel Catuiza ONLINE OLLQ
37926 KNES 26AX 51Z Basic Pilates Mat ExerciseView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Danielle Altman ONLINE OLLQ
39030 KNES 26AX 52Z Basic Pilates Mat Exercise ······· TBA-TBA Danielle Altman ONLINE OL
37927 KNES 26BX 50Z Integrated Pilates Mat ExerciseView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Danielle Altman ONLINE OLLQ
39031 KNES 26BX 51Z Integrated Pilates Mat Exercise ······· TBA-TBA Danielle Altman ONLINE OL
38369 KNES 31AX 03 Beginning BadmintonView Footnote M·W···· 10:00 AM-11:15 AM Jason Damjanovic PE21W
38370 KNES 31BX 03 Intermediate BadmintonView Footnote M·W···· 10:00 AM-11:15 AM Jason Damjanovic PE21W
38371 KNES 31CX 03 Advanced BadmintonView Footnote M·W···· 10:00 AM-11:15 AM Jason Damjanovic PE21W
38141 KNES 31JX 01 Pickleball Level 1View Footnote ·T·R··· 12:00 PM-01:15 PM Cheryl Owiesny T-CRTW
39069 KNES 31JX 02 Pickleball Level 1 ··W···· 05:30 PM-08:20 PM Cheryl Owiesny T-CRTE
38142 KNES 31KX 01 Pickleball Level 2View Footnote ·T·R··· 12:00 PM-01:15 PM Cheryl Owiesny T-CRTW
39070 KNES 31KX 02 Pickleball Level 2 ··W···· 05:30 PM-08:20 PM Cheryl Owiesny T-CRTE
39250 KNES 31LX 01 Pickleball Level 3 ··W···· 05:30 PM-08:20 PM Cheryl Owiesny T-CRTE
39251 KNES 31LX 02 Pickleball Level 3 ·T·R··· 12:00 PM-01:15 PM Cheryl Owiesny T-CRTW
39105 KNES 37AX 01 Soccer ·T·R··· 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Rusty Johnson FLDS
39106 KNES 37BX 01 Soccer Level 2 ·T·R··· 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Rusty Johnson FLDS
39107 KNES 37CX 01 Soccer Level 3 ·T·R··· 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Rusty Johnson FLDS
37629 KNES 37E 01 Indoor SoccerView Footnote ····F·· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM Rusty Johnson PE21W
37634 KNES 37E 02 Indoor SoccerView Footnote ····F·· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Rusty Johnson PE21W
37630 KNES 38A 01 Futsal Level 1View Footnote ····F·· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM Rusty Johnson PE21W
37635 KNES 38A 02 Futsal Level 1View Footnote ····F·· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Rusty Johnson PE21W
37632 KNES 38B 01 Futsal Level 2View Footnote ····F·· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM Rusty Johnson PE21W
37636 KNES 38B 02 Futsal Level 2View Footnote ····F·· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Rusty Johnson PE21W
37633 KNES 38C 01 Futsal Level 3View Footnote ····F·· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM Rusty Johnson PE21W
37637 KNES 38C 02 Futsal Level 3View Footnote ····F·· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Rusty Johnson PE21W
34737 KNES 45 63Z Introduction to KinesiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Cheryl Owiesny ONLINE OL
35868 KNES 45 64Z Introduction to KinesiologyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Cheryl Owiesny ONLINE OLLQ
37616 KNES 47 50Z Introduction to Women in SportsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Dawnis Guevara ONLINE OLLQ
37800 KNES 48 51Z Introduction to CoachingView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Jason Damjanovic ONLINE OLLQ
37614 KNES 50A 50Z Orientation to Lifetime FitnessView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Jason Damjanovic ONLINE OLLQ
37607 KNES 54 50Z Introduction to Sport in SocietyView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Rachel Catuiza ONLINE OLLQ
33889 KORE 1 40Z Elementary Korean (First Quarter)View Footnote M·W···· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Soo Choi ONLINE OL
37690 KORE 1 41Z Elementary Korean (First Quarter)View Footnote M·W···· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Young Sook Kim ONLINE OL
35181 KORE 2 40Z Elementary Korean (Second Quarter)View Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Soo Choi ONLINE OL
39039 KORE 2 41Z Elementary Korean (Second Quarter)View Footnote ·T·R··· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Young Sook Kim ONLINE OL
01189 LING 1 50Z Introduction to LinguisticsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Kathleen Haven ONLINE OL
39148 MAND 1 40Z Elementary Mandarin (First Quarter)View Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM April Phung ONLINE OL
39187 MAND 1 41Z Elementary Mandarin (First Quarter)View Footnote M·W···· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM April Phung ONLINE OL
39188 MAND 2 01Y Elementary Mandarin (Second Quarter)View Footnote ·T····· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Hua-Fu Liu MLC109 HY
TBA ···R··· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM ONLINE
39055 MAND 2 60Z Elementary Mandarin (Second Quarter)View Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Hua-Fu Liu ONLINE OL
01207 MAND 5 40Z Intermediate Mandarin (Second Quarter)View Footnote M·W···· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Hua-Fu Liu ONLINE OL
37394 MAND 52 01Z Mandarin Grammar and CompositionView Footnote ·T····· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Henny Chen ONLINE OL
CLAS ······· TBA-TBA
38424 MATH 1A 01 Calculus IView Footnote M·W···· 08:30 AM-10:45 AM James Mailhot S45
38425 MATH 1A 03 Calculus IView Footnote ·T·R··· 08:30 AM-10:45 AM Roderic Taylor E32
38426 MATH 1A 05Y Calculus IView Footnote MTWR··· 09:30 AM-10:20 AM Vinh Nguyen S16 HY
38429 MATH 1A 11Y Calculus IView Footnote MTWR··· 11:30 AM-12:20 PM Doli Bambhania MLC260 $0HY
38430 MATH 1A 13 Calculus IView Footnote M·W···· 11:00 AM-01:15 PM Usha Ganeshalingam E31
38431 MATH 1A 15 Calculus IView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:00 AM-01:15 PM Roderic Taylor E32
38432 MATH 1A 17 Calculus IView Footnote M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Vinh Nguyen L74
38434 MATH 1A 25 Calculus IView Footnote M·W···· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM John Jimenez MLC112
38436 MATH 1A 29 Calculus IView Footnote M·W···· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Misako Van Der Poel E33
38437 MATH 1A 46Z Calculus IView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Richard Lopez ONLINE OL
38439 MATH 1A 51Z Calculus IView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Loraine Moen ONLINE OL
38440 MATH 1A 53Z Calculus IView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Loraine Moen ONLINE OL
39315 MATH 1A 55Z Calculus I ······· TBA-TBA PHAN, PHUONG ONLINE OL
39143 MATH 1A MP Calculus IView Footnote MTWR··· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM John Jimenez S75
39348 MATH 1AH 01 Calculus I - HONORS M·W···· 08:30 AM-10:45 AM James Mailhot S45
39343 MATH 1AH 11Y Calculus I - HONORS MTWR··· 11:30 AM-12:20 PM Doli Bambhania MLC260 HY
38443 MATH 1B 03Z Calculus IIView Footnote MTWR··· 08:30 AM-09:20 AM John Jimenez ONLINE OL
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
38444 MATH 1B 05 Calculus IIView Footnote M·W···· 08:30 AM-10:45 AM Christopher Bradley E32
38544 MATH 1B 06D Calculus IIView Footnote ·T·R··· 09:00 AM-11:15 AM Doli Bambhania MLC260 $0LC
38445 MATH 1B 07Y Calculus IIView Footnote MTWR··· 10:30 AM-11:20 AM Hassan Bourgoub S46 HY
38446 MATH 1B 08 Calculus IIView Footnote MTWRF·· 11:30 AM-12:20 PM Cheryl Balm G1
38447 MATH 1B 11 Calculus IIView Footnote M·W···· 11:00 AM-01:15 PM Nahrin Rashid S57
38449 MATH 1B 17 Calculus IIView Footnote M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Doli Bambhania MLC260 $0
38450 MATH 1B 19 Calculus IIView Footnote ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Lilit Mazmanyan S57
38451 MATH 1B 25 Calculus IIView Footnote M·W···· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Linlin Zhang G1
38452 MATH 1B 27 Calculus IIView Footnote ·T·R··· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Hassan Bourgoub S46
38453 MATH 1B 46Z Calculus IIView Footnote M·W···· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Ducq Nguyen ONLINE OL
38455 MATH 1B 48Z Calculus IIView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Paul Du ONLINE OL
38457 MATH 1B 51Z Calculus IIView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Nahrin Rashid ONLINE OL
38458 MATH 1B 53Z Calculus IIView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Bijan Sadeghi-Hassanvand ONLINE OL
38916 MATH 1B 55Z Calculus IIView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Nahrin Rashid ONLINE OL
39316 MATH 1B 57Z Calculus II ······· TBA-TBA Loraine Moen ONLINE OL
39377 MATH 1BH 06D Calculus II - HONORS ·T·R··· 09:00 AM-11:15 AM Doli Bambhania MLC260 LC
39344 MATH 1BH 17 Calculus II - HONORS M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Doli Bambhania MLC260
38459 MATH 1C 05Y Calculus IIIView Footnote MTWR··· 09:30 AM-10:20 AM Zack Judson G5 HY
38460 MATH 1C 11 Calculus IIIView Footnote M·W···· 11:00 AM-01:15 PM Christopher Bradley E32
38461 MATH 1C 13 Calculus IIIView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:00 AM-01:15 PM James Mailhot G5
38462 MATH 1C 17 Calculus IIIView Footnote ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Millia Ison S45
38463 MATH 1C 27 Calculus IIIView Footnote M·W···· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM YU, ANDREW MLC108
38464 MATH 1C 46Z Calculus IIIView Footnote M·W···· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Paul Du ONLINE OL
38465 MATH 1C 48Z Calculus IIIView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Millia Ison ONLINE OL
38466 MATH 1C 51Z Calculus IIIView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Millia Ison ONLINE OL
38467 MATH 1C 53Z Calculus IIIView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Millia Ison ONLINE OL
38954 MATH 1C 55Z Calculus IIIView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Hassan Bourgoub ONLINE OL
39317 MATH 1C 57Z Calculus III ······· TBA-TBA YU, ANDREW ONLINE OL
39359 MATH 1CH 05Y Calculus III - HONORS MTWR··· 09:30 AM-10:20 AM Zack Judson G5 HY
39349 MATH 1CH 13 Calculus III - HONORS ·T·R··· 11:00 AM-01:15 PM James Mailhot G5
38469 MATH 1D 07Y Calculus IVView Footnote MTWR··· 10:30 AM-11:20 AM Vinh Nguyen S16 HY
38470 MATH 1D 21 Calculus IVView Footnote M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Roderic Taylor S75
38472 MATH 1D 28 Calculus IVView Footnote M·W···· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Vinh Nguyen MLC260
38473 MATH 1D 31 Calculus IVView Footnote ·T·R··· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Misako Van Der Poel E33
38474 MATH 1D 46 Calculus IVView Footnote M·W···· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Vinh Nguyen MLC260
38475 MATH 1D 51Z Calculus IVView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Vinh Nguyen ONLINE OL
38477 MATH 1D 52Z Calculus IVView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Lisa Markus ONLINE OL
39323 MATH 1D 53Z Calculus IVView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Lilit Mazmanyan ONLINE OL
39360 MATH 1DH 21 Calculus IV - HONORS M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Roderic Taylor S75
38480 MATH 2A 15Y Differential EquationsView Footnote MTWR··· 12:30 PM-01:20 PM Hassan Bourgoub S46 HY
38481 MATH 2A 27 Differential EquationsView Footnote ·T·R··· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Sithparran Vanniasegaram MLC108
39241 MATH 2A 47Z Differential EquationsView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Lilit Mazmanyan ONLINE OL
38894 MATH 2A 50Z Differential EquationsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Fatemeh Yarahmadi ONLINE OL
39346 MATH 2AH 50Z Differential Equations - HONORS ······· TBA-TBA Fatemeh Yarahmadi ONLINE OL
38483 MATH 2B 07 Linear AlgebraView Footnote M·W···· 11:00 AM-01:15 PM James Mailhot G5
38899 MATH 2B 20 Linear AlgebraView Footnote M·W···· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Nadiia Turbai MLC109
38484 MATH 2B 46 Linear AlgebraView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Sithparran Vanniasegaram MLC108
38917 MATH 2B 48 Linear AlgebraView Footnote M·W···· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Mehrdad Khosravi S16
39308 MATH 2B 50Z Linear AlgebraView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Zack Judson ONLINE OL
39350 MATH 2BH 07 Linear Algebra - HONORS M·W···· 11:00 AM-01:15 PM James Mailhot G5
38485 MATH 10 03 Introductory StatisticsView Footnote M·W···· 08:30 AM-10:45 AM Neelam Shukla E31
38486 MATH 10 07 Introductory StatisticsView Footnote ·T·R··· 08:30 AM-10:45 AM Neelam Shukla E31
38487 MATH 10 11Y Introductory StatisticsView Footnote MTWR··· 11:30 AM-12:20 PM Lisa Mesh G2 HY
38488 MATH 10 13 Introductory StatisticsView Footnote M·W···· 11:00 AM-01:15 PM Danny Tran MLC108
38642 MATH 10 16 Introductory StatisticsView Footnote ·T·R··· 11:00 AM-01:15 PM Loraine Moen E31
38490 MATH 10 17 Introductory StatisticsView Footnote M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM YU, ANDREW MLC113
38643 MATH 10 18 Introductory StatisticsView Footnote M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Nahrin Rashid S57
38492 MATH 10 21 Introductory StatisticsView Footnote M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Linlin Zhang G1
38494 MATH 10 29 Introductory StatisticsView Footnote M·W···· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Parviz Sales MLC113
38496 MATH 10 33 Introductory StatisticsView Footnote ·T·R··· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Reza Shariatmadari E32
38491 MATH 10 37 Introductory StatisticsView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Teck Ky MLC109
38497 MATH 10 51Z Introductory StatisticsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Usha Ganeshalingam ONLINE OL
38498 MATH 10 53Z Introductory StatisticsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Usha Ganeshalingam ONLINE OL
38499 MATH 10 55Z Introductory StatisticsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Amanda Lien ONLINE OL
38500 MATH 10 57Z Introductory StatisticsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Amanda Lien ONLINE OL
38501 MATH 10 59Z Introductory StatisticsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Amanda Lien ONLINE OL
38502 MATH 10 61Z Introductory StatisticsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Danny Tran ONLINE OL
38503 MATH 10 63Z Introductory StatisticsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Danny Tran ONLINE OL
39324 MATH 10 65Z Introductory StatisticsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Leah Lane ONLINE OL
38545 MATH 10 MP Introductory StatisticsView Footnote MTWR··· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM Mo Geraghty ONLINE
CLAS ······· TBA-TBA
39141 MATH 10 MP Introductory StatisticsView Footnote MTWR··· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Gregory Stachnick MLC270
38504 MATH 10 Q1 Introductory StatisticsView Footnote M·W···· 11:00 AM-01:15 PM Maryam Arvizu G7
38508 MATH 11 07Y Finite MathematicsView Footnote MTWR··· 10:30 AM-11:20 AM Kejian Shi E33 HY
38509 MATH 11 46Z Finite MathematicsView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Charles De Vogelaere ONLINE OL
38511 MATH 12 17 Introductory Calculus for Business and Social ScienceView Footnote M·W···· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Alex Cheng MLC108
38512 MATH 12 46Z Introductory Calculus for Business and Social ScienceView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Renuka Kapur ONLINE OL
38518 MATH 22 03Z Discrete MathematicsView Footnote MTWR··· 08:30 AM-09:20 AM Kejian Shi ONLINE OL
CLAS ······· TBA-TBA
38519 MATH 22 23 Discrete MathematicsView Footnote ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Fatemeh Yarahmadi MLC260
38521 MATH 22 48Z Discrete MathematicsView Footnote M·W···· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Kejian Shi ONLINE OL
38895 MATH 22 50Z Discrete MathematicsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Kejian Shi ONLINE OL
38520 MATH 22 61 Discrete MathematicsView Footnote M·W···· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Shahin Saadati E32
39345 MATH 22H 23 Discrete Mathematics - HONORS ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Fatemeh Yarahmadi MLC260
39140 MATH 23 50Z Engineering StatisticsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Fatemeh Yarahmadi ONLINE OL
38524 MATH 31 09Y Precalculus IView Footnote MTWR··· 11:30 AM-12:20 PM Vinh Nguyen S16 HY
39139 MATH 31 22 Precalculus IView Footnote ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Hemendra Shah MLC113
38526 MATH 31 23 Precalculus IView Footnote M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Christopher Bradley E32
38527 MATH 31 24 Precalculus IView Footnote M·W···· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM VISWANADHA, JYOTHSNA S16
38528 MATH 31 46Z Precalculus IView Footnote M·W···· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Luke Hibbs ONLINE OL
38529 MATH 31 48Z Precalculus IView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM VISWANADHA, JYOTHSNA ONLINE OL
38530 MATH 31 51Z Precalculus IView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Richard Lopez ONLINE OL
39325 MATH 31 53Z Precalculus IView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Usha Ganeshalingam ONLINE OL
38552 MATH 31 MP Precalculus IView Footnote MTWR··· 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Cheryl Balm G1
39142 MATH 31 MP Precalculus IView Footnote MTWR··· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Rani Fischer G4
38531 MATH 31 Q1 Precalculus IView Footnote M·W···· 11:00 AM-01:15 PM Sundararajan Arabhi S45
38533 MATH 31 Q1 Precalculus IView Footnote M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Maryam Arvizu G7
38535 MATH 32 05Y Precalculus IIView Footnote MTWR··· 09:30 AM-10:20 AM Lisa Mesh G2 HY
38536 MATH 32 11Y Precalculus IIView Footnote MTWR··· 10:30 AM-11:20 AM Lisa Mesh G2 HY
38537 MATH 32 21 Precalculus IIView Footnote M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Richard Lopez S16
38538 MATH 32 26 Precalculus IIView Footnote ·T·R··· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM Bijan Sadeghi-Hassanvand G7
38539 MATH 32 46Z Precalculus IIView Footnote ·T·R··· 06:30 PM-08:45 PM Howard Rudolf ONLINE OL
38546 MATH 32 MP Precalculus IIView Footnote MTWR··· 08:30 AM-10:20 AM Danny Tran MLC108
39220 MATH 32 MP Precalculus IIView Footnote MTWR··· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Vinh Nguyen MLC113
38540 MATH 32 Q1 Precalculus IIView Footnote M·W···· 01:30 PM-03:45 PM Jelena Segan MLC108
38542 MATH 44 27 Mathematics in Art, Culture, and Society: A Liberal Arts Math ClassView Footnote ·T·R··· 04:00 PM-06:15 PM John Jimenez MLC112
34892 MET 10 20Y Weather and Climate ProcessesView Footnote M·W···· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Alicia Mullens S48 HY
32554 MET 10 63Z Weather and Climate ProcessesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Bridget James ONLINE OL
32686 MET 10 65Z Weather and Climate ProcessesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Bridget James ONLINE OL
35861 MET 10L 67Z Meteorology LaboratoryView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Alicia Mullens ONLINE OL
36945 MET 12 63Z Introduction to Climate ChangeView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Alicia Mullens ONLINE OL
39126 MET 20L 68Z Climate Change LaboratoryView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Alicia Mullens ONLINE OL
38664 MUSI 1A 01Y Music Appreciation: Music in Western CulturesView Footnote ·T····· 12:30 PM-02:20 PM Grace Lai A31 HY
37114 MUSI 1A 50Z Music Appreciation: Music in Western CulturesView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA John Thomsen ONLINE OL
38204 NAIS 12 60Z Ethnic Studies and the Historical Experiences of Native AmericansView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Meghan Kensler ONLINE OL
37378 NAIS 14 60Z Native American Religious TraditionsView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Meghan Kensler ONLINE OL
39028 NUTR 10 01Z Contemporary Nutrition ······· TBA-TBA Alison Campbell ONLINE OLLQ
01506 NUTR 10 02Z Contemporary NutritionView Footnote M······ 09:30 AM-11:20 AM Georgia Acker ONLINE OL
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
37496 NUTR 10 04Z Contemporary NutritionView Footnote M······ 11:30 AM-01:20 PM Georgia Acker ONLINE OL
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
34572 NUTR 10 06Z Contemporary NutritionView Footnote ······· TBA-TBA Alison Campbell ONLINE OL
39285 NUTR 10 07Z Contemporary Nutrition ······· TBA-TBA Anna Miller ONLINE $0OLLQ
39286 NUTR 10 08Z Contemporary Nutrition ······· TBA-TBA Anna Miller ONLINE $0OLLQ
35110 PARA 3 01Z Concepts of Criminal LawView Footnote M······ 06:00 PM-07:50 PM Griffin Bonini ONLINE OL
TBA ······· TBA-TBA
37743 PE 32HX 01 Offensive Football TechniquesView Footnote ·T·R··· 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Joe D'Agostino PE12U
37744 PE 32IX 01 Defensive Football TechniquesView Footnote ··W·F·· 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Joe D'Agostino PE12U
37735 PE 32L 02 Volleyball TechniquesView Footnote MTWR··· 06:00 AM-07:15 AM Dawnis Guevara PE21W
37695 PE 32M 01 Soccer TechniquesView Footnote ·T·R··· 01:30 PM-04:20 PM Rusty Johnson FLDS
38300 PE 32S 02 Women's Soccer TechniquesView Footnote M·W···· 12:00 PM-03:50 PM Isabel Sandez FLDS LQ
38738 PE 37 01 Intercollegiate Beach VolleyballView Footnote MTWRF·· 12:30 PM-02:00 PM Dawnis Guevara PE21W
37736 PE 38W 01 Intercollegiate Women's BadmintonView Footnote ·T·R··· 02:30 PM-04:00 PM Mark Landefeld PE21W
LAB M·W···· 07:30 PM-10:00 PM
37947 PE 38W 02 Intercollegiate Women's BadmintonView Footnote MTWRF·· 05:30 AM-07:00 AM Mark Landefeld PE21E
39040 PE 44MX 01 Intercollegiate Men's BasketballView Footnote MT·R··· 05:00 PM-06:15 PM BERTICEVICH, JOSEPH PE21W
37938 PE 45 02 Intercollegiate Swimming and Diving (Men and Women)View Footnote MTWRF·· 05:00 AM-06:30 AM Danielle Altman POOLW
37929 PE 45 011 Intercollegiate Swimming and Diving (Men and Women)View Footnote MTWRF·· 09:30 AM-11:00 AM Danielle Altman POOLW
37939 PE 45X 01 Intercollegiate Swimming and Diving (Men and Women)View Footnote MTWRF·· 05:00 AM-06:30 AM Danielle Altman POOLW LQ
37739 PE 46 01 Intercollegiate Track and Field (Men and Women)View Footnote MTWRF·· 02:30 PM-04:00 PM GWI, SEAN ST-TR
37820 PE 46 02 Intercollegiate Track and Field (Men and Women)View Footnote MTWRF·· 05:30 AM-07:00 AM GWI, SEAN ST-TR
38088 PE 46 04 Intercollegiate Track and Field (Men and Women)View Footnote MTWRF·· 05:30 AM-07:35 AM GWI, SEAN ST-TR LQ
37740 PE 47M 01 Intercollegiate BaseballView Footnote MTWRF·· 03:00 PM-04:30 PM Donald Watkins FLDBB
37741 PE 47M 02 Intercollegiate BaseballView Footnote MTWRF·· 05:30 AM-07:00 AM Donald Watkins FLDBB
01715 PEA 1X 01 Adapted Total FitnessView Footnote M·W·F·· 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Nathan Perkins PE13
38000 PEA 1X 02Y Adapted Total FitnessView Footnote ·T·R··· 09:00 AM-09:50 AM LEE, CINDY PE12L HY
38574 PEA 1X 03 Adapted Total FitnessView Footnote ·T·R··· 09:00 AM-10:15 AM Nathan Perkins PE13
01727 PEA 2X 02 Adapted Strength DevelopmentView Footnote M·W·F·· 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Nathan Perkins PE13
01724 PEA 2X 03 Adapted Strength DevelopmentView Footnote ·T·R··· 01:00 PM-02:15 PM LEE, CINDY PE13
38572 PEA 4X 01 Adapted Cardiovascular TrainingView Footnote M·W·F·· 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Casey Regehr PE13
01728 PEA 4X 02 Adapted Cardiovascular TrainingView Footnote ·T·R··· 10:30 AM-11:45 AM LEE, CINDY PE13
37675 PEA 5X 01 Adapted Aquatic ExerciseView Footnote M·W·F·· 10:30 AM-11:20 AM Casey Regehr POOLE
37676 PEA 5X 02 Adapted Aquatic ExerciseView Footnote ·T·R··· 05:30 AM-06:45 AM Casey Regehr POOLE
37672 PEA 15X 01 Adapted Aerobic Swimming